Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why dO I ChOse NuRsinG?

Being a sickly Person during childhood and a Family whO experienced A lOt of Health Problems are maybe the reasons why a take-up nurSinG as my cOurse.
HaviNg a Courage to help others speCially those siCkly one, also give me an IdeA whAt Course should I take when I reach College.

eVery time we have our Community duty, I meet people wiTh diffirent charateristics, attitudes and beliEfs. I would say that i love this Kind of eXperiences, in thaT way I was aBle to ShaRe thiNgs To Them at the same time I Can aLso LearN something ThroUgh thEm. I love the Feeling that I was able to share faCts To sOmeone in teRms of There heAlth ConceRns.

I cAnt also denY the FacT that Being a nurSe (somEday...hahahah) is a good chance for me to reach otHer County and to trAvell in DiffireNt plaCes(hehehe, ambiSyosa). it Will Be a Good SteppIng Stone for me To accomplish tHose Things.
I knoW!!!! i will be Some LiKe To be SomedaY.. hahhahahah

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

hey Day!!!

i dont know what to say!hahaahaa
i really want to be who am i.....